Code of Conduct
Hailo Wind Systems GmbH & Co. KG recognises its global responsibilities, covered by our understanding of “corporate compliance”. In our work, we strive to meet our responsibilities towards our own company, customers, suppliers, community, and environment.
All employees have obligated themselves to comply with the following principles underpinning the corporate philosophy of Hailo Wind Systems (hereinafter also referred to as the “Company”). The code of practice complements the fundamental corporate principles of the Joachim Loh Group (JLU Group):
The company recognises its social responsibilities and undertakes to meet them in all its corporate activities.
Justice and law
The company undertakes to, in the performance of all operational activities and decisions, observe all applicable laws and other relevant regulations of the country in which these activities are performed.
All business partners are treated fairly. Contractual obligations shall be met under consideration of changing conditions.
The company adheres to the applicable laws that protect and promote competition, in particular those concerning antitrust and other regulations that protect competition.
Values and principles
The company acts in accordance with generally accepted Christian and universal ethical values and principles, especially with regard to integrity, honesty, respect for human dignity, openness, and non-discrimination on the basis of religion, belief, gender, and ethics.
The company rejects corruption and bribery as stated in the relevant UN convention (version of 2005). The company uses the appropriate means to promote transparency and acts with integrity, responsible leadership, and corporate accountability.
Human rights
The company respects and supports compliance with internationally recognised human rights law.
This entails, in particular, compliance with human rights laws as stipulated in the UN Human Rights Charter (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Resolution 217 A (III) of the General Assembly of 10/12/1948).
Non-discrimination principle
The company rejects any form of discrimination within the scope of applicable laws and statutes. This particularly refers to discrimination against employees on grounds of race, ethnic origin, and gender.
Health protection and occupation safety
The company guarantees a work environment that complies with occupational safety and health protection principles within the framework of national regulations.
The company ensures safe and healthy work conditions to prevent accidents and injury. These shall at least comply with the minimum criteria as stipulated in the applicable legal regulations.
The company supports continuous developments to improve the working environment.
Work hours
The company observes the regulations on the longest permitted work hours and remuneration, in particular relating to the remuneration levels, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.
Remuneration including wages, overtime, and supplementary benefits shall exceed or at least amount to those stipulated by applicable laws and regulations.
Employees shall not be subjected to any physical violence or other physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal harassment, abuse, or bullying.
Child labour and forced labour
The company does not accept any form of child or forced labour. If there is any indication of these types of labour in direct or indirect connection to the company’s activities, for example at a supplier, this shall be reported and the infraction remedied.
Transparency and consumer dialogue
The company recognises the rights of consumers to the important product and process information necessary for an informed purchase decision.
To the extent possible, the necessary relevant information shall be specified and made public.
Corporate citizenship
The company promotes civic involvement with positive contributions to the communities in which it operates, as well as expressly the voluntary involvements of its management and employees.
The environment
The company is under the constant obligation to strive towards protecting the natural resources for the present and future generations. The company uses, and continuously improves, environmentally friendly practices.
It meets the regulations and standards of environmental protection relevant to its operations and uses natural resources in a responsible manner.
The company communicates the provisions of this code of practice and their implementation in a transparent manner towards employees, clients, suppliers, and other stakeholders.
Prohibition of corruption
In dealing with business partners and state institutions, the interests of the company and the private interests of employees are strictly separated on both sides.
Decisions are made free of any kind of extraneous considerations or personal interest. The applicable corruption laws shall be observed, which includes but is not limited to the following:
In their operations, the company management and employees are not allowed to accept, promise, guarantee, or offer gifts, payments, invitations, or services if their intention is to influence a business relationship in an unfair manner or which carry with them the risk of jeopardising the professional independence of the business partner.
Generally, this does not include gifts and invitations that fall within the scope of standard business hospitality, customs, and courtesy.
The code of practice applies to all branches and business units of Hailo Wind Systems GmbH & Co. KG.
Implementation and compliance
The company communicated the content of this code of practice and the resulting obligations to its employees.
Suitable measures are taken to ensure compliance with this code of practice.
The company ensures that direct suppliers are aware of the principles of this code of practice and shall demand observance of its content.
Our actions and recognition of our social responsibilities relies on our uniform corporate culture based on shared values and mutual appreciation. Each employee contributes to the observance of the corporate compliance provisions.
- We recognise our social responsibility. Proper treatment of colleagues, customers, suppliers, and competitors is paramount to us.
- Observance with our compliance provisions, the code of practice, and the JLU corporate principles is natural for all employees
- We stand up for the rule of law, equal rights for men and women, ethical values and principles as well as for our environment and future generations.
- We respect human rights, the prohibition of discrimination and corruption, the regulations of health and safety and promote civil and voluntary commitment.
- We are anxious to represent the company externally in an authentic, benevolent and consistent with the corporate identity.
Haiger, 01.01.2018